Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Day 53 Song 53 - Rubberband

I must apologise to my regular readers for the space between songs, but me and magnet man have been battling with babysitting vs timeshare vs household responsibilities issues. As you can imagine, if you have or know anyone with a kid. It can be intense sometimes, and add to it a bout of bronchitis and a spontaneous getaway to the parents-in-law, and you have a "blog? what blog?" situation. At the moment any spare time I have is dedicated to bathing or watching Nurse Jackie.
Good news is that Magnet Man got his elterngeld erlaubnis this morning, so looks like he can take time off work soon to help look after the little tacker, and then this blog will really take off!!! I'm already organising a photo shoot with Bea Jugert, my amazing artist friend, and Juri a great photographer friend of a friend, and my Dad has agreed to help out with the "e-marketing". Some may say "nuts and bolts ain't sexy", but I know you, dear reader, care about that kind of stuff and find it interesting.
Enjoy this track! Play it on repeat!


Martin B. said...

na, da hat sich das warten aber gelohnt. sehr toller neuer track! und ich kann sagen, er eignet sich perfekt, wenn man nach einem partyabend morgens noch etwas zerknautscht auf der couch liegt und noch eine runde träumen will.

me said...

Oh Martin - we must be on the same wavelength! Glad I could share your downtime :-)

Buy the Christmas EP on CD!!! Worldwide delivery!!!

Just click on the "Christmas EP" link there and it will take you to the bandcamp link where you can order the CD!

Justine Electra Radio Stream!

Listen to all my songs at once over the course of your day!

About My Blog

My photo
Berlin, Berlin, Germany
This is the official Justine Electra website. For all news and info this is where to start. You can get all my music in my shop if you scroll to the button!

You can order any of the songs on my blog

Just send the title of the song, the format (aiff, mp3) and 2€ to my paypal account. I will send you a download link within 24 hours :-)



Song of the Week

Thinking of You

Thinking of You
Rosalinde Microchip

Justine Electra's album "Soft Rock"

Under Construction

Challenging Instrument

Challenging Instrument
Akai MPC


This pic and header by Playingwithbrushes@Flickr

Reel Owld Skool

Reel Owld Skool
Atari ST1040

Today's Influence

Today's Influence


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